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Mail Solutions



  Additional Mailbox


An additional mailbox can be purchased with a @cynetx.com address. Alternatively, should the customer’s domain be registered with Cynetx, the mailbox can be @domainname.co.za



   Extra Mailbox space


Extra mailbox space can be purchased in batches of 10MB, 20MB or 30MB per mailbox.



  Mail Spooling


Mail Spooling allows you or your company to have one Computer / Server dialup to the Internet periodically and exchange Internet E-Mail with our E-Mail server.

Any outgoing E-Mail from your organization is sent out during the periodic connection. Any mail destined for your organization is "spooled" on our server waiting for your Computer / Server to connect to the Internet and request it from us.

So, how does this benefit you?

By having one computer dial in to retrieve your company mail, this reduces the cost of users dialling up every few minutes to retrieve their mail.



  Mail Drop


A wildcard is placed on an existing mailbox allowing all E-Mail sent to the company’s domain name to route to this default mailbox. This excludes existing E-Mail addresses and aliases. E.g. If you send an E-Mail incorrectly to Paull@company.com, and the correct e-mail address is Paul@company.com, this e-mail will automatically be sent to the mail drop email box. If required, your Computer / Server can be configured to reply to the sender and inform him that his / her E-Mail has not reached the recipient due to an incorrect / non-existing E-Mail address. Mail Drop is a prerequisite requirement for ADSL connections.



  Antivirus Scan


Cynetx has implemented an Anti-Virus email scanning service for all customers.  Incoming E-Mail is scanned before it reaches your mailbox.  Cynetx has deployed the Sophos virus engine to enable the service. Once a virus has been detected, the Sophos virus engine automatically disinfects macro and boot sector viruses. The software can also disinfect common executable viruses as well as compressed attachments such as Zip and other popular utilities. The Anti Virus Servers located on Cynetx’ backbone are updated twice daily for any new virus definitions published by Sophos.



  Personal Fax


This bundled state of the art service will allow you to send and receive faxes using your E-Mail. No hardware or software is required. Users with a valid E-Mail address can have access to the following services:



      Fax to mail

  A unique fax number is allocated to you. Faxes sent to this number will be converted from G3 format to IP and mailed to your e-mail address as a TIFF attachment, which can then be viewed.


      Mail to fax

  You can send faxes by simply attaching the document to an e-mail and sending off to any fax number. Thus no printer and fax machine is required. (Cost saving on paper, toner, etc).


Mail Notes
The starting mailbox size is 10MB, this can be increased based on your requirements.
Personal Fax allows you to send and received faxes as you would e-mail. Great for a paperless office and easy to keep track of important faxes.
If you are concerned about changing your email address, we can assist you in a phase in phase out process by notifying all your contacts of the change on your behalf.

Mail Solutions
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