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Domain Solutions



  What is a domain name?


A domain name is a little patch of land on the Internet. The Domain identifies an individual, a company, organization, or a particular product or service.

Domain names were originally established to make computer addresses easier to remember. On the Internet each computer has its own numeric address, a system very similar to postal codes. Remembering the numeric address is more difficult to remember than www.domain.com.



  Domain Transfer  


This process relates to transferring the hosting of an existing domain name from one service provider to another.



  URL Aliasing


You are able to have a Website located within your Domain, by pointing a domain name to a website i.e. if you type in a web browsing application (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc) www.domain.co.za, this will route you to the homepage.





If an individual or company does not host their domain with Cynetx, but only their website at their domain name, Cynetx will charge a premium to maintain the link between the two services.


Domain Notes
Once you own a Domain, the only cost requirement is a annual renewal fee, this is to assist in the circulation of domains, as if the renewal fee has not be settled, the domain name is released to allow someone else to register and utilize.

Domain Solutions
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