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Connectivity Solutions



  Analogue Dialup (56 Kbps)


Connect to the Internet via a standard Telkom analogue line from your business or home. Data rate is dependant on the speed of modem used, usually 56 Kbps.

There are different dialup numbers for the regions within South Africa, all charged at local call rates. Sharing of your account is not permitted i.e. one user per account.

The Dialup connection numbers for the regions below are available for you upon request, please refer to page 11 for a detailed look into the regions covered.



  ISDN Dialup (64 Kbps & 128 Kbps)


(Integrated Services Digital Network) An international telecommunications standard, that provides a digital service from the customer's premises to the dial-up telephone network. Unlike an analogue modem, which converts digital signals into an equivalency in audio frequencies, ISDN deals only with digital transmission.

Analogue telephones and fax machines are used over ISDN lines, but their signals are converted into digital by the ISDN modem. Minimum requirements include an ISDN Terminal Adaptor (modem), an ISDN line (installed by Telkom), and an ISDN Internet access account with Cynetx.

Two connection options are available, either 64 Kbps connection or a 128Kbps connection.



  ADSL (ê512Kbps & é256 Kbps)


ADSL access is based on Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), a new super-fast modem technology that turns an ordinary telephone line into a multi-tasking access medium.


ADSL access service provides data transmission to a PC at significantly higher speeds. ADSL access service expands the power of an existing telephone line, providing an ultra-fast, dedicated link from a home or office to the Internet.


With ADSL access service, a single phone line becomes a true multi-tasking tool, allowing the user to surf the Internet while talking on the phone or sending a fax at the same time. ADSL access bandwidth will not be affected if the user is simultaneously using the phone or sending a fax. ADSL access service will offer an always-available connection with no dial-up necessary, no more waiting to establish a connection and no more busy signals.


The user will not be billed for connection time when making use of ADSL access service to surf the Internet.  ADSL access service costs a flat rate monthly fee. ADSL offers a downstream speed of 512Kbps and an upstream speed of 256 Kbps. You need a Telkom telephone line that has to be within 5.5 kilometres of an ADSL enabled exchange. The line must pass a number of tests before an installation can take place; these tests are done by a Telkom engineer. You will need to purchase a modem or a router, which can be supplied by Telkom or an IT supplier.


Dialup Notes
With regards to Telkom charges, you are charged for individuals calls made with Analogue and ISDN, however with ADSL, there is only a flat rate with no individual call charging.
If you are currently an Analogue user, and want to upgrade to ISDN or ADSL, you are welcome to contact us and we will guide you in the process.

Connectivity Solutions
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